PRP Treatments

PRP treatment or PRP Therapy is used to strengthen hair and give a fuller appearance, using platelets that are taken from the patient’s blood. PRP (platelet rich plasma) contains various factors that help the body heal injuries especially in the hair follicles.

PRP hair loss treatments can be done at the clinic, however you should first talk with our practitioners to get a PRP hair loss treatment plan. PRP is a great form of treatment for men who are looking for a method other than surgery or medication that will help them achieve fuller hair.

PRP treatments increase the blood flow in the scalp and also nourishes the cells with essential proteins and nutrients to make hair stronger and healthier. Treatments will not only increase blood flow but it stimulates the scalp by using an ultrasound device that helps activate PRP ingredients to give you strong and healthy hair.

If you are looking for a treatment for reducing or counteracting hair loss, PRP treatments are the best way if you do not wish for a more costly and invasive hair transplant. PRP uses natural ingredients that will work with your body instead of against it. PRP treatments can be used on men, women and children who are looking for a solution for thinning or balding hair.



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